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Author -Mesteru

10 Useful blogging tips for beginners

10 Useful blogging

10 Useful blogging

10 Useful blogging tips for beginners

Are you interested in blogging? Are you a new blogger trying to get things started? Have you imagined of owning a new blog and unaware of how to get through? Do not worry yourself, here is something for you.
Image result for blogging
I have been blogging since March 2016 and am almost hitting 300 followers.With time I have learnt a few things here and there. Nowadays blogging is becoming more fun and am setting new goals for myself. I hope that with these you will also get motivated for your blog and feel encouraged.

  1. Have passion for writing and an idea of your content
If you are thinking about blogging, make sure you have a passion for writing too. Do not just write because everyone is writing , you may end up getting bored along the way or even bore your folowers and loose it all. Having passion will also give you more ideas on what to write on. Having an idea is convenient because it will help you narrow to your niche.  Ask yourself what do I like? What nature of posts would I like for my readers? With this you will grow slowly and with time your community will grow. Consequently, when you have an idea on content choosing a name for your blog will be much easier. Remember to choose a name that is easy to identify with and catchy too.
2. List down many topics for your posts
As you write, list down a variety of topics you would like to write about. This brainstorming will help you have many topics pending for future use. It will also help you open your mind for other topics you can explore. You will discover a lot more interesting things you can write about and even come up with more creative content. Your topics will be derived from your hobbies, daily activities, personal observations, fears, education, likes etc.
3. Find your unique Voice
A voice in this context is that voice your readers will be hearing when reading your posts. Your readers will identify with this voice everytime they are reading your pieces and it is what will attach them to you. This grows with time, do not stress yourself so much about having a voice, it will come naturally too. It comes with the types of words you like using, your grammar, you phrases and choice of language.
4. Read and Follow other Blogs
To grow you have to read what others write about too. Give yourself time and go to the readers section and see what others bloggers write and take time to read their content. Create a habit of following other blogs that are of interest to you and comment on their blogs. With this you have chances of having them as your followers and they might  turn into become your followers too. Personally when I see a new follower on my blog, I click on their links to see what they are up to and mostly I end up liking their contents just as they liked mine. I click the follow button and leave areply on one of their posts and the rest becomes history.
5. Choose a user friendly theme
I feel like this point should have come among the top 3. When starting a blog, depending on what you are blogging about whether social or business, choose a theme that will make your readers comfortable to peruse thorugh your posts. Choose an attractive  with front page which first welcomes your guests. Customise now and again and ask for reviews from others. It took me months to decide on a good theme as I kept changing the color background and customising it. A year later I changed the whole theme altogether. I am at peace with the current one for now.
6. Research! Research! Research!
Never get tired of learning new techniques on blogging. Frequently, learn more about how to gain followers, how to make your posts gain likes and conversations, how to get traffic for your blog and many more. Life is a learning experience and no matter the amount of knowledge we have we can not confess to know everything. Ask other bloggers how they have done it. Let me assure that bloggers are always willing to help. I once  did a post on How Can I Gain Followers? It was really helpfull, the insights I got help me until today.
7. You may get bored along the way, don’t give up.
Just like any other activites that we decide to do, blogging can become a bit draining especially when you realise that your followers are not increasing or no one is commenting on your posts. This is not a chance for you to frown and give it a break but to increase your posts, remain relevant, sit down and watch what comes in next. Encourage yourself if no one else is. Do not expect a thousand likes on your posts the first day or a thousand followers within a week. It might take time understand that this is normal.
8. Make use of categories and tags
I came to find out way later that I can increase readership of my posts by adding tags to my content. This is pretty much like the other social media use of tags. For example you can see that in this post I have used tags such as blogging, blogs,wordpress etc. They will help your post link with people of the same interest.
9. Use of social media
Our social media accounts are useful in markting our blogs. When you put up a new post, share the link with your social media platforms. If you are using wordpress, you can set your settings for wordpress to post for you on your accounts directly after publishing. Make your friends and family your first audience, send them text messages or whatsaap messages and ask them to share with their friends too. Also make sure you attach a link of your website on your accounts on the “About” section. You can also have a sign up place for your readers where they leave their contacts such that they can get emails of your new posts.
10. Be interactive with your readers.
Nothing builds the confidence of a reader like a reply on their comment. It makes the reader feel appreciated and also becomes more and more attached to the blog. Being interactive with your readers encourages them to wait for your next posts. It is also a show of courtesy.
With this I come to an end my readers. FINALLY, be consistent. I noticed that lack of consistency in posts makes you lose your readers. This is with regards to posts and timeline. Most essential is to enjoy your blogging time and having fun while blogging. Feel free to ask any questions I will be ready to assist.
Cheers to your new blog! I hope you will find this useful.

Data publisher:
 Posted by: László Erdei.
Items purchased with redistribution rights.
He published these articles for those bloggers
beginners who want to start and make a
Blogging clean.
Email: erdeiladislau@gmail.com


Blogging is not dying!

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